Contact Us

We're a small team of busy bees working at full capacity, and so for every minute we spend answering enquiry emails, it is one less minute we have on direct impact.

So, on behalf of all the cute critters and beautiful beasts we are trying to protect, please read the following FAQs before reaching out to us.

If after browsing our list of FAQs, your enquiry is not answered, then be sure to drop us an email at

Can I get involved in the work?

Do you have open positions?

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Do you offer internships or Master's projects?

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Can I volunteer?

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What should I study to work with rewilding?

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How can my business collaborate or partner with Mossy Earth?

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What if I have an idea for a new project?

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Where do I reach out to offer my service, product or PR opportunity?

Is Mossy Earth interested in participating or featuring in podcasts, events, blogs or similar?

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Would Mossy Earth be interested in my product or service?

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How does Mossy Earth work?

Is Mossy Earth a charity?

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From where does Mossy Earth get funding?

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How does Mossy Earth use the funds?

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Does Mossy Earth still plant trees?

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How does Mossy Earth select the projects?

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Who does the work on the ground?

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How is the impact of the projects ensured?

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How can I keep track of what's being done?

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Does Mossy Earth offer carbon offsetting?

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Can Mossy Earth advice me on how to rewild an area?

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Could Mossy Earth help me rewild a small plot of land (up to 5 ha)?

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How can I help fund the work?

How can I contribute to Mossy Earth's work?

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How will I know how my contribution is used?

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Can I contribute to specific projects?

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Where can I buy a Mossy Earth t-shirt or other merchandise?

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What payment methods can I use?

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Which payment method should I use so that less goes to payment processing fees?

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What if I can't pay every month?

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Is the contribution tax deductible?

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How do I manage my membership and account?

How do I change my monthly contribution?

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How do I change my payment method?

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Can I get a donation statement?

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How do I install the app?

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How do I start commenting on the updates in the account?

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How can I share my impact with others and receive contributions to my impact?

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How do I pause my membership?

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How do I cancel my membership?

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How do I permanently delete my account and data?

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